And the bush has friends to meet him, and their kindly voices greet him, In the murmur of the breezes and the river on its bars,
And he sees the vision splendid of the sunlit plains extended, And at night the wonderous glory of the everlasting stars.

Banjo Paterson (1889)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Buff-banded Rail

This is a video of a beautiful Buff-banded Rail that came out of the reeds and began feeding near the edge of Herdsman Lake in Perth. These rails can be secretive and shy, especially at some of the inland WA lakes, but also very friendly at other places and when use to people, will pick up scraps of food under picnic tables.

Herdsman Lake is a good place for these rails and birding in general. My wife and I went for a walk at the lake on Saturday and recorded 56 bird species in about 2 hours, without really birding too hard.


Mr. Smiley said...

A lovely little bird and great pix too.

Bob Pelkey said...

Nice video.

Richard King said...

Thanks guys for your comments. These rails are truely beautiful birds.